Dear music lovers,
as promised you find on this page links to 3 brand new songs that can be downloaded COMPLETELY FOR FREE!
We want to consider music as something really uncommercial and nowadays it surely is! Every musician must know that
it is an absolute illusion back from the golden 80s to become rich by selling records. But the thing is another:
creating music, producing music, delivering you this kind of sound, this very kind of sick blast, takes a lot of work,
a lot of time, a lot of people working, a lot of effort and it takes also money. So we do need your contribution and support
to simply keep on making music. Nothing more than that.
This is why we kindly ask you to think twice if you have the chance to buy also our ENTIRE ALBUM, to download single
tracks via i-tunes or similar in a legal way. Going this way you support US, OUR BAND, OUR MUSIC. This way you
help us surviving to keep on touring and creating music.
Thanks to everyone who supports us this way!