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Here you may listen to selected tracks from all CD-releases. You find 5 songs from the brandnew 2nd full-length
album "OH GLORIOUS SERENITY" (Oct 2012) followed by 3 songs from the 1st album "MELANCHOLIC FREEDOM" (Jan 2010).
Additionally we have 2 live songs for you recorded during a show in MAASTRICHT(NL) in April 2010
and the bonus track from
the band's 1st EP-Release "BREED MY DYE" (Oct 2009).
If you wanna watch PANDORA's BLISS live on stage or all published studio-videos just visit the STAGEAREA...
You may even download 3 songs of the new album for free here!
To buy the new album or single tracks as mp3-downloads please visit iTUNES or AMAZON!
All CD's (physically) and also 3 awsome band-shirt variations are available in PANDROA's BLISS' new FANSHOP...
If you don't like e-shops feel free to send us an email and we find a way to send you the
desired stuff!